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可購票方式:1.網路 2.售票處 *有刪除線的票價,為已經售完的票價。 *節目分級:不分級。 *【優惠折扣】 ◎新舞臺之友至新舞臺購票可享9折優惠 【注意事項】 ◎退換票事宜請於演出10天前辦理,並需酌收票價10%手續費 ※巡迴場:8/27(三)7:30PM於新竹縣演藝廳,現場索票,免費入場。。 |
建國中學校友管樂團成立於1993年,是由一群自建中畢業的樂旗隊同學,為了推廣管樂合奏藝術,並延續高中時代培養的情感與默契所籌組,至今已邁入第十五個年頭。每年暑假的巡迴音樂會,向來是建國中學校友管樂團最重要的年度活動之一,今年八月,建中校友管樂團將再度與指揮家賴孟泉學長合作,除了詮釋以「生命」為主軸的經典曲目外,還將首演青年作曲家邱明慶與陳祖威兩位學長的新作品,期望能帶給聽眾們一個難忘的夜晚! 指揮/賴孟泉 演出/建國中學校友管樂團 演出曲目: 榮恩‧尼爾森:洛磯角假期 邱明慶:第二號管樂交響曲 陳祖威:浮光 伊藤康英:交響三頌《La Vita》 柴可夫斯基:第五號交響曲 第二、四樂章(管樂版由符秦僥改編) 請須要幫忙訂票者右邊留言板登記! |
Life's been good, I can't complain so far
Designer clothes, expensive caviar
And gated homes to keep the wolves at bay
Tinted glass to hide my guilt and shame
Neon signs and vagrants at the door
Broken values,needles,liquor stores
And won't somebody help me to believe
Help me to deny the things
I seeNow whatever comes your way,
Sometimes you win,
sometimes you lose.
When it all comes down you make it through.
You got the whole world around
You got the whole world around
Something tells me not to make a scene
0pen up your heart and let me in
I've tried as far as enough to lead my arm in minds
Receives every words
I know still were saying in the skies
Take me, wake me , push me down, as long as I'm understood
Like a soldier's view
From the bomb to the tomb
The towers I forget ever knew.
Something tells me not to make a scene
0pen up your heart and let me in
You got the whole world around
You got the whole world around
Something tells me not to make a scene
0pen up your heart and let me in
You got the whole world around